Developmental editing (dev edits, as I fondly call it) is, easily, one of the biggest investments you'll do in your writing. Most writers make do without it, focusing on those pesky typos instead via a proofread. But what about character development? Story arc? Pacing? World building? These things are just as important and unless your beta readers moonlight in editing, you probably haven't had a full review of your novel.
What do dev edits include with LIAS?
Full developmental editing package includes editorial report covering: plot, pacing, character development, problems, thoughts on first chapter/hook, and suggested fixes.This is a 5-10pgs (minimum) report outlining all the strengths and weaknesses in the novel to help you with polishing it.
In-depth beta feedback via comments throughout the novel, focused on story structure, characters, writing style, plot, conflict, cohesive world building, etc. I work on not just pointing out the things that need fixing, but also the things that work super well! My work isn't focused on tearing your novel down but rather helping you polish it to its best.
Tracked changes on structure, plot, characters.
Includes developmental edits such as content rewriting, structural edits, heavy edits (additional fees may apply); copy/line editing such as suggested fixes for sentence structure, consistency, pacing, flow, syntax, redundancies, tenses, dialog correction, transitions, clarity, general improvement and readability; highlights of word repetitions and overused expressions.
Includes a basic grammar and proofread, can be customized with a full proofread in a Combo package (email for details).
Critique is more in depth than industry standards
Full professional editing for indie authors package covered here is regularly double the price within the industry
Turnaround 2-3 weeks (shorter for novellas)
Undivided attention; I work with client one at a time to provide a personalized experience
Why do you need one?
If this isn't your first novel, you may think you've got your routine down pat and the most you'll benefit from is a copy/line edit or a proofread. But a lot of the times when clients come to me with a novel meant for proofreading, I find issues within it that shouldn't be there--inconsistent voices, a pace that's all over, dialogue tags galore, telling instead of showing the reader, and characters that fall flat because of that.
A good dev editor will help you not just fix your first/tenth novel, but will give you pointers that you can take with you throughout the rest of your writing career, that will better you for all future novels to come your way. Isn't that what we want, at the end of the day? To write better, and better, and better stories.